Top 10 Self Improvement Subreddits in 2023
Top 10 Self Improvement Subreddits in 2023
Top 10 Self Improvement Subreddits in 2023

Top 10 Self Improvement Subreddits in 2023

Top 10 Self Improvement Subreddits in 2023

Discover the top ten subreddits that support self-improvement and personal growth so far in 2023.

Brandon Chang

October 2, 2023


Self-improvement and personal growth, we all want it, but sometimes it can evade us. Let’s get right to it and dive into the top ten subreddits that support self-improvement and personal growth. In the past few years Reddit has emerged as a dominant player in the forum space; allowing users to post and view others' unique perspectives. Among the countless online subreddits, these ten stand out as hubs of positivity and wellness offering a unique blend of support, positivity, and discussion.

Find the top 10 Self Improvement Subreddits + the Top Post in each subreddit in 2023 so far 👇

1. r/GetMotivated

Members: 20.6 Million

Top Post in 2023

About r/GetMotivated: This subreddit offers different types of motivational content, from pictures and videos to personal stories and advice, all designed to inspire action and drive towards your goals. 

2. r/DecidingToBeBetter

Members: 1.1 Million

Top Post in 2023

About r/DecidingToBeBetter: A force for self-improvement, goodness, and togetherness that helps humanity eliminate evil. Progression is key, so if you have decided to leave the bad behind, this is the place for you. This subreddit is a powerful hub for self-improvement, fostering goodness and leaving behind negativity.

3. r/selfimprovement

Members: 1.7 Million

Top Post in 2023

About r/selfimprovement: This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. This subreddit is dedicated to discussing and sharing valuable ideas, tips, and advice on self-improvement in areas such as motivation, procrastination, social skills, and fitness. 

4. /r/productivity

Members: 2.0 Million

Top Post in 2023

About r/productivity: Tips and tricks for being more productive. This subreddit hosts an array of actionable advice and strategies to enhance your productivity and work smarter.

5. r/Mindfulness

Members: 1.3 Million

Top Post in 2023

About r/Mindfulness: Mindfulness is awareness of one's internal states and surroundings. This subreddit is a hub for exploring mindfulness, emphasizing heightened awareness of internal states and the surrounding environment. 

6. r/Positivity

Members: 53.2k

Top Post in 2023

About r/Positivity: This subreddit is where you'll find a constant stream of positive/uplifting stories, and links, fostering an environment dedicated to promoting optimism and a positive lifestyle.

7. r/GetDisciplined

Members: 1.5 Million

Top Post in 2023

About r/GetDisciplined: This subreddit is a platform to exchange practical strategies and tips for cultivating self-discipline and achieving personal goals. 

8. r/ZenHabits

Members: 261k

Top Post in 2023

About r/ZenHabits: This subreddit is a destination for straightforward and actionable advice on happiness, goal-setting, meditation, and self-improvement. 

9. r/Enlightenment/

Subscribers: 17.6k

Top Post in 2023

About r/Enlightenment: What is enlightenment and what brings enlightenment? This subreddit is for thought-provoking discussion around the idea and experience of Enlightenment. This subreddit delves into thought provoking conversations and reflections on the pursuit of enlightenment.

10. r/GetOutOfBed:

Subscribers: 64.8k

Top Post in 2023

About r/GetOutOfBed: This subreddit offers morning motivation, daily routines, and tips for getting the most out of your day.

  1. r/AvraCore

Welcome to Avra Core: A Simple Affirmation App designed with you and the community in mind. Join us to explore the power of positive affirmations, share your experiences, and connect with a supportive community dedicated to personal growth and well-being. r/rAvraCore is the go-to subreddit for affirmations in 2023.

The writer of this article is also on Reddit as @Avra_global and I'm a proud and active member of all the above subreddits focused on providing insights and advice on self improvement, growth, and spirituality. Check out our posted content and don’t hesitate to send us a DM 👋

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